Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Biological Dentistry

Connection. Isn’t that what everything is about these days? We go online, log into one of our many social media accounts and see who we’re connected to.  We’re traveling here and connecting with this person, which connects with that person, which connects to that event, and so on.  Biological dentistry is the evolution of that connection from body part to body part.

Any issue in your mouth may be the root cause of other health problems. Biological dentists offer a big-picture view of your health.
A leading organization in the field, the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) summarizes biological dentistry:
Today, we can do better dentistry, in a less toxic, more individualized, more environmentally friendly way than ever. Biological Dentistry is a thought process, an attitude, and a guide for making choices in dental practice.

1. Biological dentists focus on biocompatibility.
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has historically determined the materials “safe” for use in dental procedures.  But a grandfather clause says current materials are ok if they are “substantially equivalent” to materials approved before May 28, 1976. It is because of this clause that silver fillings, also known as mercury fillings, are still used in routine dental procedures.

Biological and holistic dentists are committed to improving patient health by only using biocompatible materials.  Materials known to be less toxic to the body and presenting no threat to overall wellness.

2. Biological dentists oppose mercury amalgam (silver fillings).
Loopholes in current laws and regulations allow the use of mercury in dental amalgam, the silver metallic mixture that is used to create silver fillings. Mercury is a known neurotoxin, and there is simply no reason for it to be used in dental work. These silver fillings can contain up to 50 percent or more mercury, and studies indicate that they can be extremely harmful to health. Biological dentists are mercury free dentists. For more information, visit this infographic on the toxic effects of mercury dental fillings.

3. Biological dentists specialize in safe amalgam filling removal.
Mercury dental fillings present a real health concern for both patient and community. Biological dentists recognize this alarming issue, and they have the experience and equipment needed to safely extract toxic dental amalgam.  Mercury safe dentists specialize in proper disposal and filtering all debris to prevent mercury from polluting the local community via sewers and waterways.

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