Monday, October 19, 2015

Documentary about mercury poisoning in Oscar consideration

When Randall Moore’s father was diagnosed with Alzheimer ’s disease, he had no idea his life would be propelled forward as a mercury documentarian.
Now, his feature-documentary “Evidence of Harm” opens for Academy Award®-qualifying engagements – each one week long, at Laemmle's Music Hall in Beverly Hills and IFC Center in New York on October 23 and October 14.
 “Evidence of Harm” follows three Americans suffering from the effects of mercury poisoning due to mercury vapors generated during normal dental procedures. Each person becomes an advocate for mercury-safe dentistry despite criticism – most notably from a dental industry insistent upon the safety of amalgam fillings, otherwise known as mercury fillings, which contain up to 50 percent of the neurotoxin. The documentary portrays the industry ignoring science and placing politics and profits more valuable than the millions of Americans suffering from symptoms of mercury poisoning.
Moore’s research into mercury began after his father’s diagnoses, once he found out the true ingredients of “silver” fillings.
"During my research I repeatedly discovered that our government regulatory bodies have failed to protect the public from this toxic product," said Moore in a press release.  "After watching scientists present information to the FDA that links mercury toAlzheimer's disease, I became frustrated with our government's refusal to do anything about removing this toxic product from the marketplace. So, I took it upon myself to make a documentary that would alert others of the widespread danger, which hazardously impacts public health and the environment worldwide."
Moore researched biological dentistry, holistic dentistry, mercury-safe dentistry and mercury-free dentistry for dental amalgam solutions. Mercury detoxification process varies from person to person, as do mercury poisoning symptoms.
“They taught us nothing about protecting the staff or the dangers of mercury vapor,” one dentist says in the documentary.
Holistic dentists, biological dentists, mercury free dentists and mercury-safe dentists should practice the safe amalgam filling removal.

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